The name Lindgren-Pitman has been synonymous with longline fishing equipment for the last 40 years. We invented and perfected the monofilament longline spool. We have also helped fisherman come up with new ways to target bottom dwelling species with cable longlines.

We have made several innovations in longline technology including our renowned line setter, which allows fishermen to control the depth of their set while targeting pelagic top water species such as tunas, swordfish, and mahi-mahi. Of course we stock all of the necessary longline gear and accessories to make your fishing operations more productive.

From hydraulic packages for faster hauling to hook timers so you know what time the fish are biting, our products stay true to our mission: To simply help you catch more fish. For boat owners who are considering outfitting their boat for longline fishing, we have provided the following resources to help determine what kind of tackle you will need.